Franklin Elementary School’s third annual Mile for Marisa walkathon, conducted during South Plainfield’s district-wide Day of Service last week, generated more than $1,800 for The Marisa Tufaro Foundation.

The fundraiser also heightened awareness about the local nonprofit, which assists pediatric patients and other children in need throughout the greater Middlesex County area.

Before students and staff walked the length of Franklin Avenue to Plainfield Avenue and back, they learned about The Marisa Tufaro Foundation’s namesake and the nonprofit’s mission.

Members of the school’s student council delivered a simple, yet powerful message for their fellow students, who listened with rapt attention to their opening remarks about South Plainfield’s Day of Service.

“Today is all about being a helper,” one student council officer said. “Some ways we can describe a helper is giving assistance, lending a hand and being of service to others.”

The walkathon served as the centerpiece for the Day of Service at Franklin Elementary School, whose other activities included: a luncheon for South Plainfield veterans; planting flowers, making bird houses, and painting rocks to adorn school property; and decorating and filling gift bags for senior citizens, local law enforcement officers, and U.S. service members.

“These simple ways to help are a great way of giving back to others,” said another student council officer. “But sometimes kids like us need more help than we can give. That is the mission of The Marisa Tufaro Foundation.”

Since its inception less than seven years ago, The Marisa Tufaro Foundation has donated nearly $350,000 to fulfill its mission.

The nonprofit has also donated thousands of toys, nonperishable food items, winter jackets, baby supplies, school supplies and other items upon which it has placed no monetary value.

In addition, the foundation has awarded $29,500 in academic scholarships to 42 inspirational high school seniors including South Plainfield graduates Alex Gibson, Jeffrey Jacome, Nick Loniewski, Abdul Cokley, Luke Niemeyer, Joseph Heilmann, and Charles Lovett.

Emma and Alexis Broggi, the daughters of Franklin Elementary School fourth-grade teacher and student council co-advisor Kimberly Broggi, were also recipients of foundation scholarships.

The Marisa Tufaro Foundation is committed to being a source of comfort to hospitalized children and their families, as well as providing assistance and opportunities to underserved children.

The foundation has aided multiple families, including several from South Plainfield, whose children are in medical crisis, providing financial support through the payment of medical and/or personal expenses to help lessen the burden of parents who have lost wages while spending time at the hospital.

During last week’s walkathon, residents from the neighborhood, including the school’s beloved crossing guard, Terrance McCreesh, stood on their front steps or in their driveways as a show of solidarity and support. Motorists driving past honked their horns, much to the delight of the students. A borough police officer and the school’s staff ensured the safe passage of the walkers.

South Plainfield School District Superintendent Dr. Noreen Tansey greeted the students. South Plainfield Board of Education member Divon Pender waited for them near the end of the walk route, high-fiving students as they made their way back to the school.

The students genuinely seemed to grasp the concept of giving and helping others through the school district’s Day of Service, whose theme is “Doing good feels great!”

Senator Patrick Diegnan, who serves on The Marisa Tufaro Foundation’s board of trustees, praised the students and staff for their collective efforts.

“This wonderful act of kindness is really a microcosm of the entire school district and community,” said Diegnan, a lifelong South Plainfield resident and grandfather of two former Franklin Elementary School students.

“I know generosity is a staple of our borough. I couldn’t be prouder of all those who are collaborating to make this Day of Service a meaningful and inspirational event.”

The Marisa Tufaro Foundation is more than familiar with the benevolent nature of the South Plainfield community, which has played an integral role in helping the nonprofit make a profound impact.

The South Plainfield School District has been among the nonprofit’s biggest supporters.

An annual wrestling match, known as the Marisa Tufaro Memorial Dual, between the district’s high school team and rival Old Bridge has generated nearly $28,000 for the foundation. Recently retired Franklin Elementary School teacher Bill Pavlak, the former varsity wrestling coach at South Plainfield, played a paramount role in establishing the wildly successful fundraiser.

In addition, student-athletes from many of South Plainfield High School’s other athletics programs have participated in fundraising events, toy drives and the collection of nonperishable food items benefiting the nonprofit and the children it serves.

“We’ve been blessed beyond words with amazing support from so many people, including the South Plainfield community,” said Marisa’s mother, Cyndi Tufaro, who is the foundation’s executive director. “We don’t take a second donated or a penny raised for granted. The kindness and generosity of South Plainfield residents is extraordinary.”

“This particular fundraiser has added meaning because of its creativity, the wonderful message it sends, and the fact that Marisa’s nonprofit has been privileged to assist South Plainfield children in need.

“We can’t thank the entire school community enough and hope its benevolence is exponentially returned.”

Marisa Tufaro survived six open-heart surgeries and a heart transplant before succumbing to a rare form of cancer in 2017 following a valiant battle. She was just 13 years old.

An Edison Township Public Schools honor roll student involved in multiple extracurricular activities, Marisa lived a vibrant life that inspired.

The foundation is a fitting way to keep alive Marisa’s indomitable spirit and allow her legacy to be one of helping others.

“Franklin School was excited to once again partner with The Marisa Tufaro Foundation for the Third Annual Day of Service,” Franklin Elementary School Principal Shannon Colucci said. “The Day of Service was a full and very meaningful day dedicated to doing good deeds and participating in invaluable charitable work. The Mile for Marisa was Franklin School’s flagship event of the day, and it is our honor to raise money for such a worthwhile charity.”

Balloons in Marisa’s favorite color of purple adorned the walking path. Huge purple yard sign letters spelling MILE FOR MARISA stretched across the school’s front lawn. Some students and staff sported specially designed purple T-shirts bearing the foundation’s official logo and Franklin School moniker across the front left breast with the words “make a memory” and “cherish it forever” on the back.

The latter was a quote from a tribute column Marisa’s father, Greg, a former reporter with the Home News Tribune, published in loving memory of his daughter a day after her untimely passing.

“I implore parents of school-age children, or any-age children for that matter, to do something special on an ordinary day with their kids,” Greg Tufaro wrote.

“Make a memory, in honor of Marisa, which you can cherish forever.”