Our nonprofit’s leadership was privileged to meet Rev. Anna Thomas, pastor of Centenary United Methodist Church in Metuchen, whose congregants recently made a generous donation to The Marisa Tufaro Foundation.

Under Rev. Anna Thomas, who is also president of the Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy Association, Centenary United Methodist Church continues the strong outreach for which it has been known for decades throughout the Metuchen-Edison area and beyond.

Centenary United Methodist Church honored our tax-exempt nonprofit, spotlighting The Marisa Tufaro Foundation in its church bulletin for the months of January and February, during which the congregation, whose work in the community aligns with our foundation’s own mission, collected money to assist us in helping Middlesex County children in need.

Marisa’s father, Greg, had an opportunity to thank Rev. Anna Thomas, Centenary United Methodist Church Mission Committee Chair Bob Carlson and congregant John Wooding.

Rev. Anna Thomas generously and graciously offered to make the church’s facilities and its congregants available to our nonprofit, should we require volunteers or assistance in our own charitable endeavors.

Centenary United Methodist Church’s history of assisting those in the community dates back to the 1960s.

Most recently, a contingent from the church volunteered at a Maker’s Place “Diaper Party” at Turning Point Methodist Church in Trenton, where more than 40 volunteers from several United Methodist churches collected more than 90,000 diapers – including 1,500 Centenary United Methodist Church donated – for distribution to families in need throughout Trenton.

Also last month, a contingent of volunteers from the church volunteered in The Rise Against Hunger’s meal packing event at New Dover United Methodist Church, where more than 26,000 meals were packaged.

Centenary United Methodist Church has been a supporter of the Ozanam Family Shelter in Edison and Amandla Crossing, a residence for single parents and their children, which Middlesex Interfaith Partners with the Homeless operates.

In 2002, Centenary began a relationship with a ministry to children in Mar Del Plata, Argentina, through the auspices of a United Methodist congregation in that city.

Through special collections at its Sunday morning worship services, Centenary extends its mission, giving to many other causes in the local area and around the world.

Programs in the late 1960’s included tutoring of disadvantaged in the “Potter’s Crossing” section of North Edison, inviting young men from the Kilmer Job Corps Center in Edison for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners with church families, and a sister church relationship with Humanities Baptist Church in Newark.

Our leadership would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Rev. Anna Thomas and her congregation for their support.

Following are hot links to stories detailing the many ways The Marisa Tufaro Foundation has assisted pediatric patients and other children in need since its inception on July 30, 2017.