Mile for Marisa

Franklin Elementary School is conducting a Mile for Marisa walkathon as a fundraiser for The Marisa Tufaro Foundation, which assists pediatric patients and other children in need throughout the greater Middlesex County area.

Since its inception less than five years ago, the foundation has donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars to fulfill its mission. The nonprofit has also donated thousands of toys, nonperishable food items, winter jackets, baby supplies and other items upon which it has placed no monetary value.

In addition, the foundation has awarded $21,500 in academic scholarships to 31 high school seniors.

Marisa Tufaro survived six open-heart surgeries and a heart transplant before succumbing to a rare form of cancer in 2017 following a valiant battle. She was just 13 years old.

An honor roll student involved in multiple extracurricular activities, Marisa lived a vibrant life that inspired.

The foundation is a fitting way to keep alive Marisa’s indomitable spirit and allows her legacy to be one of helping others.

Thank you for considering making a donation in support of Franklin Elementary School’s Mile for Marisa charity walkathon.

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Donation Total: $5